Contained within this meditation is a journey into the Quantum Self in order to Alchemically transform events or limiting beliefs throughout time. This process can be used on any issue or problem and repeated as often as you deem necessary……
So just relax and close your eyes and really centre yourself in your own energy, feel your energy field and feel centred within that.
Just allow yourself a few moments to get yourself really comfortable within your own space and really connect to your own energy.
So we begin our meditation now to release any negative alignments, limitations or energies that are not allowing you to be the full expression of who you truly are…………..
As we descend into the physical body. Relaxing into the self, into the body, into the quantum field. ……
Move your attention to your breath and noticing the subtle sensations of the air as it moves in and out of your airways. Feel the cool air entering your chest and the warm air releasing as you breathe out…….
Concentrate on deepening your breath and lowering your mind even deeper into yourself, letting go of all tension and stress and descending fully into the in and out breath in the body………
We now humbly invoke divine protection, guidance and healing from source.
We request a Pure Sacred Space container of higher dimensional light, be created to surround your entire room……….. We request a Golden White Ascension Pillar of Light and flame be activated and descend from higher dimensions to this dimension, space and time. We request a higher dimensional feed line of light from the Ascension Column build seven Taurus fields of light around your energy field………
We call forth to fill this space the Universal Divine Sri Yantra Template, Melchizedek and the Inner Plane Male and Female Ascended Cosmic and Planetary Masters, Metatron and all The Archangels, The Elohim Fire Angels, your collective evolutionary Medical Assistance Support Team, Totem Animal & Elemental Guides, Navigation Guides, Gatekeeper Guide, Soul Contract Guide and Over-Lighting Angel of Healing to assist and protect you as you transition through this energetic healing process.
Thank you Spirit for surrounding us in your LIGHT… facilitate this healing.
Now I want you think of somewhere that you feel love and connection to the elements around you…. A power spot where you are isolated in nature. Be it next to a lake, in a forest, in the mountains or on a beach………Remember a place where you were totally happy and at one with the nature around you.
Connect with the earth beneath your feet,……….. feel the sun high up in the sky,………….breathe in the air around you………………. and connect with the water nearby………………….
Immerse yourself in your connection to this place, somewhere that you have been in this life and where you feel totally at peace……
In this natural setting of Sacred Space you are now safe to explore and feel joy in its purest form. Take your consciousness into your heart centre and remember what it feels like to feel pure joy…. Breathe in and out of a memory that fills you with bliss and remember what it feels like to embody joy into all the cells of your being……
Feel yourself becoming fully immersed in this feeling of joy. See it as a flame igniting your heart centre and allow it to grow and expand into a fire that permeates all parts of your being and etheric field…………..
As this energy builds within you feel its warmth and glow purifying your being, allow it to burn brighter and brighter, illuminating your being, bringing with it more feelings of joy and happiness…….
Your cells are now radiating joy…….
From this place of happiness, joy and tranquillity you will have an awareness of a thought of some aspect of yourself, situation or event energetically that you are wanting to clear and purify. Go within now and surface that problem, situation or event and with the illumination of Spirit we ask now to surface that issue and bringing it up into consciousness so you can see it in your awareness.
Think about this energy you want to exchange……..Allow yourself to feel any emotions to surface with these memories and allow them to come up to be release and out of the body and organs………...
Usually there are layers to the situation or energy, allow Spirit to shine the light on this energy now and tunnel down to the core beliefs, which need to be surfaced…….
Allow the layers of the thoughts to lift off and dive even deeper down into your Quantum field to reveal and isolate the core belief at the bottom of this energy……
As we lock onto this core belief all the other layers will be automatically released as a result of changing this core belief…….
We ask now for Spirit to show you what wisdom must be understood in order to transcend this belief………..
Trust the energy of what surfaces immediately into your consciousness and ask it what you were learning from the energy of this core belief…………… …………………..
Now you understand what you were learning, we ask to summons from the ascension column a bubble of The Christos Light to form in front of you, just outside your 7 Taurus fields of light. It will serve you as a transmutation chamber that will carry away all discordant energies that no longer serve you.…… See it forming like a giant iridescent soap bubble of light appearing in front of you………
I want you to now feel that core belief buried deep inside you, lift up and out of your field and placed into the bubble of Christos Light …….. so it gets fully contained and surrounded in The Christos light energy bubble and sealed out of your energy field, entirely………
We now request Spirit assist in lifting and removing, any other related or connected limiting beliefs right back to their root or origin through time and place those energy’s also into the bubble……….
Allow yourself to let go fully breaking all agreements in all levels and dimensions and allow all roots, cords, etheric webs, frequency fences or inter-dimensional interferences to be lifted fully up and out of your energy…… Allow them to be automatically sucked into the bubble of Christos Light and expelled permanently from your field……... Feel all these energy’s being lifted out of all of the layers of your etheric bodies and lightbody. See it as a smoke cloud lifting from the body and into the bubble………Watch it lift until it is all removed……………………..
Now look back on that belief that has been lifted from your field. See how it might have served you in keeping you limited or restricted in the past. Look at how that belief has served you in the past…….Did it make you feel safe or in control?……….or did it allow you to be a certain way?.......................Or did it stop you or restrict you from moving forward in your life? ………..
Now we are going to lift why and how it was serving you from the first time in your Spirit’s Akashic Records and in all parallel timelines of your energy field, all the moments or fragments of self that served you with this belief NOW……… See and feel all the energy of how this belief was serving you being lifted out of your field and INTO The Christos bubble of Light………Removing all remnants of energy from your physical, etheric bodies and lightbody…………Watch it lift until it is all removed………………….
Spirit will now enfold space and time back prior to this event ever taking place………..
Now watch the bubble of Christos Light start to lift up and away to the higher dimensions for transmutation, taking with it all the thoughts, beliefs, limitations and connected energies that now that longer serve your evolution…….. See this bubble lifting up into the sky and disappearing off out of view. It is now totally locked out of this dimension and returning completely to source, NOW….
Now I want you to remember that place that you found yourself in earlier. That place of pure bliss and joy that you started this journey in……….
Remember your power spot. Remember a place where you were totally at one with the nature around you……………… Feel love surround you and connection to the elements………
Connect with the earth beneath your feet. Feel the sun high up in the sky. Breathe in the air around you and connect with the water nearby.
Immerse yourself in your connection to this serene place of peace…………..Allow it to permeate all of your being ……………………………
Think about your current state of being in this place of peace and absorb the following words and affirmations into your being;
Now allow yourself to become aware of one or more correcting master beliefs, The Alchemy of these words of light will now fill and help you to heal and unify your new sense of self:
Hold the energy of these correcting frequencies of energy now and absorb them into all the cells of the body, energy field and lightbodies…………………………See it getting absorbed into your Adam Kadmon Akashic Blueprint, filling all light channels, chakras, nada’s and down into all the cells of your being. Fully integrating into the physical self, higher self, Soul and Spirit. All 4 integrated as one, NOW………………locked in, Spirit enfold space time with these energies on all levels and all dimensions of the being……………..
And now we give thanks for the lessons of the past and the assistance Spirit has given us this day and in helping you to heal………..
Feel gratitude from your heart and thank Spirit for surrounding you in their LIGHT…………….
We now thank and release the Universal Divine Sri Yantra Template, Melchizedek and the Inner Plane Male and Female Ascended Cosmic and Planetary Masters, Metatron and all The Archangels and The Elohim Fire Angels, your collective evolutionary Medical Assistance Support Team, Totem Animal & Elemental Guides, Navigation Guides, Gatekeeper Guide, Soul Contract Guide and Over-Lighting Angel of Healing for assisting and protecting you as you transitioned through this healing process.
Feel yourself coming back into body, back into the present moment….. back into reality. Take some in breaths and open your eyes……..
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