I expect deep down inside of you is a yearning, an inner call to offer the world something unique about you, that incorporates your wisdom from the life challenges you have overcome and a heartfelt drive to help the world in some way.
We all have inside of us the understanding that we are here, for something greater than working for an organisation and doing a job that you don't really want to spend the rest of your life doing. But how do you actually get out, not all of us have big bickies set aside to become the next spiritual leader or have the time, so how do you do it?
I went from 22 years in top tier construction as an Engineer to working full time in the Spiritual Industry. I did have a head start because I've always been psychic and had spent most of my corporate years diving deep into metaphysics and spiritual connection before I transitioned over. These days there is a strong pull for the younger generation to by-pass a lot of the old way and jump straight into a full-blown Spiritual Business without the skills, mentoring or systems they might need in place.
If you are super smart and have a tonne of time up your sleeve, then you can get there on your own. I did it all through hard work and literal mind over matter to climb the Spiritual Career ladder, but it took me a decade!
If you are just starting out or are looking to up level it may help your inner calling to download Monetize Your Magic which provides insights on what the top Spiritual Entrepreneur signs are, greater understanding of the nature of our existence, analysis steps and reflection checklists. In-depth understanding of what the challenges might be, who your clients are likely to be. The key areas to evaluate on the path ahead and the areas you might need to upskill in.
If it's not me, find someone in the know that can help you discuss your spiritual ideas. I'm all for helping people to align with their spiritual business goals and freely give them advice on how to achieve this:
If you're looking to go right down the quantum rabbit hole and get some more serious wisdom and guidance about your mission then you could do the Define Your Niche webinar. This involves:
Remember Rome wasn't built in a day, it's built over time. It does take years of hard work to finally become successful in the Spiritual industry, so be patient, be wise and know that you will always be learning and upgrading as you go. Don't fall for get rich quick schemes, if you are meant to be the authentic 5D New Earth you, living the dream, then make sure that you realise you’re in it for the long haul.
Don't forget your thoughts create your reality so you may need to release your fears as you descend from the corporate ladder and ascend the spiritual business ladder. If you get into difficulty around how to transcend a level of inner and outer spiritual initiation, then you can contact me, and I will help direct you to the right person or modality to support your transition.
My advice is meditate as often as possible, invoke Sacred Space around your energy daily and ask to be in constant alignment with your mission. Stay grounded and when things are scattered do not try to move forward. The 5D energy is very different to the old Earth energy, and only when all the pieces of the puzzle have appeared in the ethers will you be able to move forward with grace and ease.
One of my first students Sheila V went down the path of transition out of corporate CFO to Psychic Reader and on to globally published Author of Brave, Empowerment Mentor and Speaker. If she and I can do it, you can too.
I am delighted and humbled for her acknowledgement in this article on Thrive.Global. My Quantum Leap program launched her spiritual business and writing career. I love teaching and seeing my student’s flourish.
Sheila's story on Thrive.Global
© Louise Winchester